09 / 11 / 2018
Inventor implements CSR activities in schools throughout Greece!
Granting plan to cover classroom needs.
Consistent to its social and anthropocentric character, inventor continuous the effort, implementing school sponsorships throughout the region of Greece.
In order to ensure a healthy and comfortable environment for hundreds of children, inventor has granted air condition units so at to create ideal conditions in the classroom for the little students of schools and kindergartens and to be able to assist in the teachers’ educational role.
For that matter, inventor air conditioners have equipped two schools in Derveni Korinthias region, with a classroom of no heating, as well as the 3rd kindergarten of Chalkidiki region of northern Greece, whose main hall’s needs have been covered with two wall mounted air conditioners.
Inventor keeps on as a socially responsible company, in order to contribute in the upgrade of educational institutes of the entire country.